Saturday, June 20, 2009

all strange & weird II

... he lurched forward and fell into the dirt which was lying between us. I looked at the patch of mud pool and saw that it was quite a pretty good trap. The boy got up as soon as his whole body sprawled around in the muddy dirt. I was afraid to think he would charge out towards us to continue what he wanted to do – cut us into pieces. Instead, he scrambled to his feet and ran back to where the five weird children were standing with their bikes, waiting for the evil deed to be done.

I then realized what he might be thinking. I shouted out to them while the rest were fleeing with the shirtless boy, “Yeah, you all better run if you want to save yourselves! I’ve lots of traps laid out, ready to get you! Come back here if you dare!” ‘What the *%#@ is this big sis babbling about?’ wondered the faces of my little sis and my neighbour. I didn’t answer instead I smiled proudly having successfully driven all the crazy weirdos away. I marched forward to the little gate to see where they were running to or disappeared to.

Without thinking, I took one proud stride and ‘swooosh!’ went me into ‘my’ mud trap. I found myself lying in the dirt, dirty and scratched. My dress was covered with dirt, mud, dead leaves, tiny pebbles and peculiar smell, probably some small animals’ poo. My sister and neighbour burst out laughing, clutching their shaking bodies. I got up, feeling my stabbed arrogance and return home without wanting to expose myself to any further humiliation.

I’m not sure whether we told our moms about the creepy incident but I think we did. Who knows if the children were actually belonged to other species of creatures which are foreign to human eyes or they were just the villagers’ children having unusual jokes and some fun time.

++ Fin ++

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